
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Persiapan Perkahwinan for?

as-salam w.b.t

In the language of marriage or marriage is gathered and mixed. According to Islamic terminology is the Ijab qabul ('aqad) that justify sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who goes by the words that show the marriage, according to the rules determined by Islam [1]. Zawaj words used in al-Quran means the spouse in a marriage means the use of this word Allah s.w.t the human made ​​in pairs, to legalize marriage and outlaw adultery.

=> Not for my wedding, but for my sister who came before me. very busy with preparation, even though sometimes think the more time further yet again a month + + only. + _ +

=> I have been busied myself preparing for what I need to do .. and make a door gift for my sister. heh! sponsored by me ~

=> For my wedding preparation .. We have all kinds of talk .. I made ​​my first in the hall .. but last minute I changed .. my future husband want to be moderate in all things .. if possible he did not want the dais. ustaz he says dais like culture I *** a .. henna hand also a culture I ***a .... so not good if it is right ~ custom is custom, but Islam must come 1st!

=> Alhamdulillah I still improve myself to be a righteous Muslim ~ thanks to my future husband as always pray for me to be better. YA ALLAH you simplify everything for me. You strengthened my love towards you .. amin!

=> 8 months + + all sorts can be simplified our way .. YA ALLAH~ .. better be moderate in all things .. insyaALLAH

=> kind of long I am engaged right .. sister first release .. no need to rush to establish a mosque!


Unknown said...

insyaallah smuanyer slamat.punyerlah lame aku tgu scha update blog

Shasha Dandelion said...

insyaALLAH~..Hee ko tggu aku update blog ke..ttibe trasa nk update blog~
semoga ko bahagia skrunk~ ^_^

Unknown said...

hari2 aku bhagia.ko pon same la.moge2 bahagia dgn Min..insyaallah :)